Alstom at InnoTrans 2024

Between 24-27 September, Team Alstom will be delighted to welcome you to our stand 450 in Hall 3.2 in Berlin, Germany.

We will take you on an immersive journey to discover how we work tirelessly to achieve three things that underpin the mobility of the future: decarbonising rail solutions throughout their entire lifecycle, driving technology forward to extract maximal performance out of rail systems, and ensuring rail passengers love their travel experience, beginning to end.

We will be exemplifying all these themes with a highlight of the most advanced high speed train in existence: the Avelia Horizon.

Decarbonising Rail Lifecycle

Alstom continues to lead the way towards net-zero mobility worldwide. We will bring the market up to date on our unrivalled experience in green traction technologies – a subject familiar to InnoTrans audiences since 2016! But the quest for net-zero mobility does not stop there. This year we will be widening the scope to demonstrate our leadership in the decarbonisation of the entire lifecycle of railway solutions. For Alstom, it is an approach that is fundamental to the preservation of our precious environment, as well as an enabler for our customers to achieve their sustainability targets.

Maximising System Performance

We will offer insight into the impressive array of technologies and solutions that allow our railway systems to consistently push the limits of performance today, while defining the ambitions of transport for tomorrow. Driverless rail, passenger flow modelling, predictive maintenance, data-led operations – to name just a few. And the way it is powered by expertise in the fields of AI, machine learning, big data and cybersecurity. For our customers, all this adds up to future-proofed, resilient, reliable and efficient transport systems. And for passengers, it adds up to an outstanding journey!

Elevating Passenger Experience

Speaking of passengers, Alstom always has their experience front of mind. After all, we are passengers too! At InnoTrans we will cast light on the art of designing complete travel experiences. Visitors in Berlin will quite literally be immersed in a word of experiential innovation – a sensory, tactile, sonic discovery of how passenger experience is more than the sum of its parts. We think about the interplay of lighting, movement, materials, colours, information, connectivity and much, much more so that passengers don’t have to. They just enjoy it. We all know rail is the cleanest, greenest form of transport, by far. Our mission is to ensure people choose our sustainable solutions over cars or planes whenever possible.

Defining the future of high-speed: Avelia Horizon

And while we’re on the subject of unique experiences… We are also preparing something special that shows how Alstom’s ambitions in sustainability, in performance and in passenger experience are now embodied in one extraordinary (and very fast) train. How 40 years of know-how, since Alstom created the first TGV, have led to this moment, to this product, that will change the landscape of very high speed rail travel – way beyond the horizon.