In the current public health context, it has been decided that the Special Meeting would be exceptionally held behind closed doors, without shareholders or other persons entitled to participate being present, whether physically or by teleconference or video conference. The Special Meeting will be broadcasted live and in full on the Company’s website.

Access the webcast

To connect via telephone, please use the connection details below:

From France +33(0)1 76 77 22 57

From the United Kingdom +44(0)3 30 33 69 411

Confirmation code: 6564350

How to vote

Since it is not possible to meet physically, shareholders will not be able to request an admission card. As such, shareholders are strongly encouraged to vote using the paper voting form, or to grant a proxy to the Chairman of the Meeting before Wednesday, 28 October 2020 at 3:00 p.m. (Paris time). Shareholders can also grant a proxy to a third party to vote by correspondence.

How to ask a question

Written questions 

These questions, which must be accompanied by an account registration certificate, can be sent to 

Questions outside the legal framework of written questions 

dedicated webform was made available 15 October until 26 October 2020 to allow you to ask questions without these entering into the legal framework of the written questions. If appropriate, answers will be given during the Meeting based on a representative selection of the topics raised.
