With orders up by 62% and sales up by 27% in the first
quarter 2007/08. Alstom confirms its strong commercial

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Orders received for the first quarter of fiscal year 2007/08
included the 2.1 billion contract for 80 very high-
speed trains in France, leading to a 148% increase in orders
for Transport. During the quarter, Power Systems continued to
register sound order growth (+27% versus the same period last
year), including several gas power plant projects. Orders in
Power Service increased by 19%, as a result of booking numerous
small-sized contracts.

The total backlog, up to 35.9 billion, represents
around 29 months of sales on 30 June 2007.

Sales for the first quarter of fiscal year 2007/08 were
strong, up 27% compared with the same period of the previous
year. They increased by 40% in Power Systems and by 23% in
Power Service versus the first quarter of fiscal year 2006/07,
while sales in Transport were up 15%.

The level of orders booked during the first quarter
2007/08 confirms our good positioning across all our Sectors.
This very strong quarter, highlighted by a book to bill ratio
close to 2, included large contracts such as the very high
speed trains in Transport and turnkey gas projects in Power
Systems but also a very healthy level of small and medium-sized
contracts in all our businesses. Sales were strong as well,
following the sound commercial performance registered over the
past periods. This positive evolution gives us the confidence
to record the announced double-digit growth of our sales during
the full year 2007/08, said Patrick Kron, Chairman &
Chief Executive Officer of Alstom.