Alstom Foundation celebrates the opening of two new public plazas in Maipú, Chile

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Communication Coordinator - Latin America

Vinicius Riqueto

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  • The project, developed together with the Mi Parque Foundation and the Municipality of Maipú, was co-designed with the communities and the local government and brings more access to high-quality and safe open space for area residents

August 13, 2024Alstom Foundation celebrates the recent opening of two new public plazas in Maipú, in the Metropolitan Region, Chile. The Alstom Foundation provided funding that helped facilitate an inclusive planning and building process with Alstom employees, residents of Maipú, the Mi Parque Foundation and the local government. The project addresses the lack of access to safe and quality green areas in vulnerable neighborhoods.

The plazas officially opened to the public on August 10, following a day of action where dozens of volunteers “gave life” to the prepared land, by planting plants, distributing maicillo, and putting the finishing touches on the new “Plaza de Todos,” a community meeting space financed by the Alstom Foundation.

“The opening of this plaza is a project greatly desired by the residents of the area, and it was carried out with their collaboration and direct support, which fills us with pride."

Dolores Iglesias
HR Leader Chile & Argentina, Alstom

“The opening of this plaza is a project greatly desired by the residents of the area, and it was carried out with their collaboration and direct support, which fills us with pride. Thus, we seek to provide solutions and improvements to the quality of life, always taking into account the care and respect of the environment”, says Dolores Iglesias, HR Leader Chile & Argentina.

"At Mi Parque Foundation we are proud and above all we are motivated to be part of green area projects focused on improving the quality of life of the communities and that they are protagonists from beginning to end. This process is undoubtedly one of those and Alstom's support has been fundamental. It is a process that materializes the needs raised by neighbors and that are also linked to environmental criteria based on the recommendations we suggested as a team, among which we can highlight the importance given to consider vegetation with low water requirements and that is distributed to flourish in all seasons, which as a whole results not only in beautifying a space, but making it meaningful and permanent", says Verónica del Real, Project Coordinator of Mi Parque Foundation.

The project converted of 1,880 m² of public space into public plazas, 1,141 m² for the plaza Andrómeda and 740 m² for the Plaza Divina Providencia. The process began with a diagnosis of the situation with the communities, followed by development of a design proposal for each location. It included workshops to get input, feedback and trainings on environmental education, and construction with professionals and community members

In the design of the space, priority has been given to quality, low-maintenance materials and plant species suitable for the local climate, with low water requirements.

About Alstom in Chile

Alstom has been present in Chile for more than 75 years, participating in the development of the country's infrastructure, contributing to social progress and respecting the environment. Its contribution as the main supplier of Metro de Santiago and Metro de Valparaíso is demonstrated by its complete range of innovative products and services. Economic development has increased the need for urban, intercity and freight rail transport infrastructure. Alstom has expertise in all three areas and is committed to contributing to improving quality of life and safety.

With around 550 employees and 7 sites, Alstom is present in Chile with its metro trains, regional trains, signaling systems and infrastructure and maintenance services. The company participates in the main railway projects in the country, belonging to Metro de Santiago, Metro Valparaíso and Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE).

To date, Alstom has supplied the NS74, NS93, AS02, NS04 and NS16 fleets to Metro de Santiago. These fleets will be joined by the new AS22 trains for Line 7.