Alstom plant in Chorzów celebrates 160 years

Poland/CEE Communication Director
Anna Zaluska
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Trams and trains produced at the Chorzów plant have played a key role in the development of Poland over the decades
7,000 trams have been produced for Poland from Chorzów plant
Today, the Chorzow plant is one of Alstom's largest and most modern factories, capable of producing 400 cars a year
30 October 2024 – Alstom, a global leader in smart and sustainable mobility, is proudly celebrating the 160th anniversary of its Chorzów rolling stock manufacturing plant. The site, with a total area of almost 300,000 m2 with 2500 employees is part of Alstom's global competence centre for manufacturing and engineering. It designs and manufactures modern metro cars, trams and regional trains, which are used by residents of many countries in Europe and in the Middle East. Today, as 160 years ago, the plant is a symbol of progress and technology, constantly contributing to local innovation.

“The 160 years of operation of the Chorzów rolling stock plant have been a period of transformation, development and innovation."
“The 160 years of operation of the Chorzów rolling stock plant have been a period of transformation, development and innovation. The former Konstal has become a point of reference for the local community, creating a sense of belonging and community. Today, we combine pride in our industrial heritage and the achievements of many generations with ongoing work based on world-breaking technologies in an international environment. Our strength invariably lies in our people and their extraordinary talents”, comments Beata Rusinowicz, Managing Director of Alstom in Poland.
160 years of history
The Alstom plant in Chorzów was established in 1864 as part of the then Royal Steelworks. It was first tasked to process steel into components for track and rolling stock and, in time, for other industries. Steel structures originating from the Chorzów plant were used to build strategic infrastructure investments throughout Poland. It was here that the structures of more than 100 impressive bridges were built, many of which are still in use today, including in Warsaw (the Poniatowski Bridge and the Gdansk Bridge) and in Puławy (the Mościcki Bridge).
After the Second World War, the factory, then known as Chorzowska Wytwórnia Konstrukcji Stalowych "KONSTAL", was the only manufacturer of trams in Poland. It is from this factory that the famous "n-ki", "thirteen", "stodwój" or "stopiątki" trams originated. In total, nearly 7,000 trams left Chorzów and are still in use in more than a dozen cities and urban agglomerations throughout Poland.
Growth through Alstom
In the 1990s, the Chorzow plant joined the Alstom Group. By integrating Konstal into its group, Alstom recognised the great potential of the plant, began extensive investment in modernisation, the development of production lines and course and training programmes. An important milestone in the development of the plant was the launch of an aluminium welding line. Today, the plant in Chorzów is a leader in this technology, successfully delivering aluminium trains to European markets.
Today, Alstom is the largest manufacturer and exporter of rolling stock in Poland. It employs more than 4,500 people nationwide, including more than 2,500 in Chorzów. Alstom is steadily expanding production capacity at the Chorzów plant and continue to recruit highly qualified specialists. Alstom's portfolio includes high-speed rail, reginal trains, metros, monorails and trams, as well as integrated systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility.
Around the world with Alstom in Chorzów
The Chorzów plant is not only one of Alstom's largest, but also one of the most technologically advanced factories in the world. In addition to designing and manufacturing metro cars, trams and regional trains, the plant acts as a centre of excellence to produce aluminium and steel passenger train bodies. In recent years alone, 2400 aluminium metro cars and aluminium cars for regional railways have been produced in Chorzów. These include:
- Coradia Stream regional trains for the Netherlands and Italy
- LINT trains for Germany
- more than 100 Metropolis coaches for Warsaw Metro
- nearly 70 trains for Riyadh Metro
- 250 carriages for Dubai Metro
Electric, battery-powered, single-deck and double-deckers
The plant is currently fulfilling an ambitious order book for international customers. This includes, among others, the production of 31 battery-electric (BEMU) and six electric (EMU) X'trapolis units for Dublin Metropolitan Railway, 37 Coradia Stream electric trains for Romanian Railways and 130 Coradia Stream High-Capacity double-decker EMU trains for the German rail operator SFBW of Baden Wurttemberg.
Alstom's trains are custom-designed and manufactured products - each design is created in close collaboration with the customer, keeping in mind the comfort and needs of passengers and the operator's operational objectives. Air-conditioning, free Wi-Fi, numerous charging options for mobile phones and laptops, as well as reading lights, multifunctional spaces with space for large luggage, prams and bicycles are among examples of solutions that contribute to the comfort of the journey.
Alstom™ is a trademark of the Alstom Group.