Alstom has awarded the Catalonian company Power Drive Ibérica as best supplier for the Services unit in Spain
Alstom has awarded the Catalonian company Power Drive Ibérica as best supplier for the Services unit in Spain

Alstom has awarded the Catalonian company Power Drive Ibérica, part of the AnemGroup, as best supplier for the Services unit in Spain, for the recognition of its operational excellence, on-time delivery, and low non-conformity rate.
Founded in 1966 in Granollers, Power Drive Ibérica is a metallurgical company dedicated to the engineering, manufacture, maintenance and supply of mechanical transmission components. In 2015, it became an Alstom’s supplier for the repair or Renfe's high-speed trains (Serie 100) gearbox bodies, that were being overhauled at Alstom's maintenance site in Madrid.
Since then, Power Drive Ibérica has repaired 204 equipment with the highest quality standards, worthy of its distinction as, "Alstom Services Supplier of the Year."

"We are very proud of this distinction; it is a recognition of our team."
"We are very proud of this distinction; it is a recognition of our team. Working with the Alstom Group has been a challenge, we have had to incorporate new processes and follow quality audits to align ourselves with the standards of a large multinational like Alstom. But this has also motivated us to give us ideas for improvement and new, more efficient processes," says Mireia Gassó, CEO of AnemGroup.
Along with this recognition, Power Drive Ibérica has also been nominated as a supplier for the entire Alstom Group, "We are confident of working for more of the Group's units, both in Spain and worldwide. This support is a real boost for our activity and opens new opportunities," says Aleix Escoda, Technical Director of AnemGroup.

"Transition to more sustainable mobility is an opportunity to boost industry, create jobs and boost economic activity."
Alstom has more than a thousand suppliers in Spain, from whom the group purchased products and services valued at more than €700 million last year. Many of these suppliers are in Catalonia, where Alstom holds a consolidated value chain. Catalonia is among the Alstom Group's top 7 purchasing destinations.
"Transition to more sustainable mobility is an opportunity to boost industry, create jobs and boost economic activity. In this context, large driving companies, such as Alstom, are key because of their ability to boost local small and medium-sized companies, helping them to internationalise and integrate, in their day-to-day operations, the systems, regulations and processes necessary to grow and access global markets," highlights Ricardo Cifre, Purchasing Director of Alstom Spain.