Joint press release EAV - Alstom

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Gaia Mazzon

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Alstom, acting as the Head of a Temporary Association of Enterprises (ATI), consisting of Consorzio Integra, Icop, Euroferroviaria, with engineering assigned to companies including Systra Sotecni, SWS Engineering and Alstom, who will provide a new signalling system to the EAV Vesuvian lines.

The contract signed between the ATI and Ente Autonomo Volturno S.r.l. (EAV), the public transport operator in the Campania Region, is worth 292 million euro and provides for the construction of an innovative signalling system on more than 140 km of the Vesuvian lines with ACCM[1] and ERTMS solutions, the most advanced system for the supervision and control of train operation available today.

“We are pleased to give a new impetus to mobility in the Naples metropolitan area with our ERTMS signalling system on more than 140 km of the line.”

Michele Viale
General Manager of Alstom Italy and President and CEO of Alstom Ferroviaria

In addition, it is planned to upgrade the railway and technological installations and infrastructure works (stations, tunnels, works of art) on the Castellammare-Sorrento section allowing a maximum traffic capacity of one train every twelve minutes.

The project also includes an Alstom solution for substations that saves energy and costs by feeding more than 99% of the energy generated by the train braking back into the grid.

The work will be carried out by June 2026 and will only be done at night, so there won’t be any service interruption for users.

  • >140
    km of line covered by our ERTMS signalling system
  • >99%
    of the energy generated by the braking of rolling stock is feeded back into the grid
  • €292 M
    The contract is worth 292 million euro

“We are pleased to give a new impetus to mobility in the Naples metropolitan area with our ERTMS signalling system on more than 140 km of the line,” said Michele Viale, General Manager of Alstom Italy and President and CEO of Alstom Ferroviaria. “The proposed system meets the technical specifications required by the European Union and CENELEC[1] standards for railway safety, guaranteeing the highest safety standards. The contract signed with EAV further confirms Alstom's expertise in suburban mobility.”

“The contract signed with Alstom will make it possible to bring EAV's Vesuvius railway infrastructure up to national and European best practices with a radical railway overhaul, as well as civil and technological works on the Castellammare-Sorrento section. The works are financed with various funds and demonstrate EAV's spending capacity with the achievement of the planned objectives by 31.12.2022, as required by EU regulations,” said EAV President Dr. Umberto de Gregorio. He also thanked the Design and Execution Manager Ing. Pasquale Sposito and the Contracting Manager Dr. Filippo Porzio, as well as all staff functions, for the rapid completion of the procedure, conducted according to the innovative formula of competitive dialogue, also involving multiple specialists.

[1] Apparatus Computerised Multi-Station Control Panel

[2] European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation


Alstom in Italy

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