Alstom rewards the innovative talent of its teams in Spain

Press contact - Spain and Portugal
Irma Aguado
Send an email2 innovations from Madrid and Barcelona awarded
14 January 2020 – The worldwide Alstom Group's Innovation Awards (I Nove You Awards) selected projects developed by the R&D centres of Alstom Spain among the most innovative initiatives of 2019: of the 19 projects that were granted awards worldwide, two were developed by Alstom Spain teams.
“Innovation is an essential cornerstone of our strategy. and the path to lead the future in sustainable and digital mobility”, commented Antonio Moreno, President of Alstom Spain. “All Alstom Spain centres have teams dedicated exclusively to innovation and we are currently developing more than 40 innovation projects that cover various areas of the business: maintenance, signalling, safety, digital mobility, manufacturing and so on”, he added.
The internal I Nove You contest is open to all the employees throughout all the centres and business units. This year marks its 12th edition, with a record number of participants, 620 projects submitted from 23 countries and 60 different sites. The 19 winning projects were selected from among all of these and classified into 6 categories.
The railway services and maintenance teams of Alstom based in Getafe (Madrid) received the award in the "Innovation to Market" category for a project to improve hydraulic brake maintenance in trams. The design and development of an in-house test bench has allowed maintenance cost savings and improvements in delivery times. This new test bench has already been used in projects in Dublin, Nottingham, Bordeaux, Reims, Madrid, Murcia, Tunis and other cities.
In the “Small but Smart” category, the award was granted to a project presented by the Passenger Comfort and R&D teams in the Santa Perpètua plant (Barcelona).
In addition to these projects, two other initiatives developed in Spain and focused on the implementation of digital manufacturing processes and multi-modal system management were among the finalists.