Alstom’s Atlas ERTMS Level 2 technology begins commercial service on Spanish high-speed line
Alstom’s Atlas ERTMS Level 2 technology begins commercial service on Spanish high-speed line

Press contact - Spain and Portugal
Irma Aguado
Send an email15 July 2019 – Following extensive reliability proving tests by ADIF and approval by the Spanish Railway Safety Agency (AESF), Alstom’s Atlas ERTMS[1] Level 2 train control system has entered commercial service on the Valladolid-León high-speed line in the north of Spain.
This entry into service follows the 2014 contract from Adif, awarded to an Alstom-led consortium[2], to upgrade the Valladolid-León section with ERTMS Level 2 technology, including maintenance for a period of 20 years.
Alstom’s Atlas ERTMS Level 2 is a digital signalling solution that allows trains to run at higher speeds without physical lineside signals. With Atlas, the Valladolid-León line will see an increase in safety and availability, as well as in train speed, with maximum speeds increasing from 200 km/h to 300 km/h. The resulting updated timetable will allow passengers to benefit from shorter journey times.
“We are immensely proud of this entry into service. This is the second ERTMS Level 2 signalling system commissioned in Spain, after the one also installed by Alstom on the new Albacete-Alicante high-speed line, where Alstom was also the consortium leader. This demonstrates Alstom's technical expertise and leadership in the field,” said Antonio Moreno, Managing Director of Alstom in Spain.
The contract includes the design, procurement, installation, commissioning and twenty years of maintenance of the signalling, fixed telecommunication and Automatic Train Protection systems, the centralised traffic control (CTC), security equipment, the mobile GSM-R communications equipment and infrastructure for trains and mobile phone operators.
With 15 years of experience putting into service ERTMS Level 2 digital signalling solutions, Alstom is a global pioneer in its development and implementation and a worldwide leader in on-board equipment. With projects in 30 countries, Alstom has installed nearly 40% of the trackside ERTMS Level 2 equipment in service in Europe and equipped over 8,000 trains of 200 different types with its Atlas ERTMS solution. Atlas is a scalable solution that can be adapted to all types of traffic and operational needs: passengers and freight, high-speed or suburban.
[1] ERTMS: European Railways Traffic Management System
[2] The consortium is composed of Alstom, Bombardier and Indra