Alstom to supply 13 additional Régiolis trains to the region of Occitanie in France
Alstom to supply 13 additional Régiolis trains to the region of Occitanie in France

Press contact - Western France
Anne-Cécile Jourdan
Send an email27 March 2019 – Alstom will supply 13 additional Coradia Polyvalent trains to the French region of Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée for an amount worth approximately 80 million euros. The region has already ordered 33 Coradia Polyvalent for Régiolis since 2014, including a first entry into service. It thus brings its order up to 46 trains, representing a global investment of more than €330M.
The Occitanie region has ordered 5 dual-mode and 8 electric Régiolis, in their comfortable suburban version, to reinforce its entire regional fleet. Consisting of four cars each, these trains have 50% more access doors than the ‘regional' and 'intercity' versions, facilitating passenger flows. At the request of the region, these trains benefit from specific equipment such as automatic passenger counting, spaces reserved for bicycles, and frontal displays of destinations.
The first Coradia Polyvalent for Occitanie entered commercial service in May 2014 on the lines connecting Toulouse to Latour-de-Carol and Mazamet.
"This additional order is excellent news for the French railway industry and for Alstom’s sites in France. It marks the renewal of the Occitanie region's confidence in Alstom and its products," said Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, President of Alstom France.
"In Occitanie, we make rail a central element of our efforts to develop mobility in all the regions. As such, our investments to preserve and maintain the network are accompanied by a proactive approach to renewing the material, in a constant effort to improve the conditions of travel and quality of service offered to our 66,000 daily passengers," said Carole Delga, president of the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region.
"The arrival of these new Régiolis trains is an important step in enabling us to successfully develop the railway offer expected by the Occitanie region. This new material will enable us to continue modernising the trains to offer a quality of service in line with our customers’ expectations," said Jacques Rascol, Director of SNCF Mobilités Occitanie.
Coradia Polyvalent belongs to Alstom’s Coradia range of trains. With its modular architecture, it can be adapted to the requirements of each public transport authority as well as to different types of use: suburban, regional and intercity. It comes in three lengths (56, 72 or 110 metres) and offers optimal comfort for passengers, whatever the length of the journey. The train is both ecological and economical due to its low energy consumption, its compliance with the latest emissions standards in thermal mode and its low maintenance costs. Pre-equipped to receive ERTMS[1] technology, Coradia Polyvalent is the first French regional train to comply with all European standards, in particular with regard to access for people with reduced mobility.
To date, 312 Coradia trains have been ordered as part of the contract awarded to Alstom by SNCF Mobilités in October 2009, including 251 Coradia Polyvalent and 61 Coradia Liners. Coradia Polyvalent trains have already covered more than 50 million kilometres in commercial service.
This train also meets the needs of the export market: 17 have been ordered by SNTF (Algeria) and 15 by APIX (Senegal).
The development and manufacture of Coradia Polyvalent trains secures more than 4,000 jobs in France for Alstom and its suppliers. Six out of the 12 Alstom sites in France are involved in the project: Reichshoffen for the design and assembly, Ornans for the engines, Le Creusot for the bogies, Tarbes for the traction chains, Villeurbanne for the onboard IT systems and Saint-Ouen for the design.
[1] European rail interoperability standard