Mobility 4.0 for Smart City: a project for the region of Tuscany
Mobility 4.0 for Smart City: a project for the region of Tuscany

Mobility 4.0 for Smart City is a project funded by Tuscany Region, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The project aims to analyse, implement and test new solutions for mobility managers to govern, control and influence the demand for traffic and vehicular flows in dynamic and real-time mode, using innovative technologies.
The goal of the project is to combine and coordinate the existing mobility systems in order to:
• move towards a more digital urban transport network;
• increase the resilience of cities;
• promptly communicate to citizens changes in mobility services and the rules for access, transit and stop;
• offer intermodal integrated mobility services of people and goods;
• promote sustainable mobility the "modal shift" from private to public transport.
Alstom is the leader of the consortium of partners who will be working on this project.