Alstom to start Wi-Fi installation on Pendolino trains

28 August 2018 – Today, PKP Intercity signed a contract with Alstom for the installation of Wi-Fi devices in Express InterCity Premium (EIP) trains originally manufactured by Alstom. The first Pendolino trains with access to the free wireless internet will be on the tracks later this year. The contract amounts to PLN 31.7 million and, in addition to Wi-Fi installations, also includes maintenance for 5 years.
Higher travel comfort
According to customer satisfaction surveys carried out by PKP Intercity, travelers decide on the Express InterCity Premium offer primarily due to high security and comfort of traveling. Passengers appreciate the guarantee of seats, easy access to the power socket, comfortable armchairs and the possibility of using the special Silence Zone. Trains are also adapted to the needs of disabled people, as well as provide a comfortable journey for families with children. Soon, EIP passengers will also be able to use the free wireless internet.
“The railway sector has been radically changing in recent years. Our objective is for it to be safe, comfortable and timely. We endeavor to reach this goal through the comprehensive investments carried out both in terms of railway infrastructure and rolling stock. All in order to have a fully modernized and modern railway in Poland by 2023. The plan consists of a number of contracts carried out annually by entities of the PKP Group. One of them is the contract for the installation of Wi-Fi devices in 20 Pendolino trains, based on which the first EIP trains with the wireless Internet access will be in use later this year” - says Andrzej Adamczyk, Minister of Infrastructure.
“The installation of wireless internet in the EIP depots will start in September. In August this year pilot tests of Wi-Fi devices in Pendolino were successfully carried out. Pendolino trains will enrich the number of trains equipped with Internet access. At this point, the Wi-Fi network is available in 171 PKP Intercity cars and 40 combined sets (PesaDart, Flirt3). The carrier plans that by the end of 2018 Wi-Fi will be available in 200 conventional cars and this number will be constantly increased” - adds Andrzej Bittel, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure.
“Today’s contract is another step towards improving the quality of services delivered to our clients. We are making every effort to ensure our passengers with comfortable environment on each stage of their journey. Internet access in the public space is one of the most commonly expected standards of the 21st century and therefore we are providing it in more and more trains and train stations” – says Krzysztof Mamiński, President of the PKP S.A. Management Board.
Assembly details
Alstom teams in Warsaw will be responsible for the installation of Wi-Fi devices in Pendolinos (ED250). Under the agreement, the company will create a Wi-Fi installation project team, as well as will ensure the delivery and maintenance of these devices and training of PKP Intercity staff.
“Works related to the installation of Wi-Fi devices will be carried out in such a way that the ED250 vehicles can carry out planned circuits, according to the timetable. We also care about the fact that the implementation of wireless internet will be fast and efficient. We will pay particular attention to the installation on the first two trains in order to make sure the introduced system solutions are of a proper functioning” - says Marek Chraniuk, President of the PKP Intercity Management Board.
As part of the contract between PKP Intercity and Alstom, which simultaneously will provide the service of a telecommunications operator, an appropriate data entrustment agreement will also be concluded. Thus, user data will be secured in a proper and compliant manner with the current law on the protection of personal data.
“Alstom is pleased to be entrusted the installation of Wi-Fi in Pendolino trains. We know that Polish passengers are waiting for it and we are sure that it will increase their comfort and satisfaction with the journey. It is also important for us that our client will have a rolling stock meeting the highest European standards” – said Lesław Kuzaj, President of Alstom in Poland.