Alstom Foundation and Cultiva reforest with more than 2,400 native trees the area affected by forest fires in Chile
Alstom Foundation and Cultiva reforest with more than 2,400 native trees the area affected by forest fires in Chile
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On June 8 and 9, nearly 500 volunteers gathered to reforest more than 2,400 native trees in the area of Rinconada de Maipú, an area affected by forest fires in 2016.
This planting was carried out thanks to the fund that Alstom Foundation granted to Corporación Cultiva in 2017, a Chilean organization that works in reforestation and environmental education programs, to regenerate different areas of the country that were affected by the worst forest fires in history.
The project is framed under the "Reforestemos Chile Nativo" (Let's Reforest Native Chile) program, which seeks to socio-environmentally restore places affected by forest fires and historically desertified, contemplating the participation of communities, education programs with young people from the districts, generation of local employment and maintenance of trees for 2 years, all this in cooperation and alliances with different organizations.
A total of seven hectares of land affected by forest fires were reforested, planting native trees and shrubs such as quillay, litre, colliguay, quebracho and huingán.
"We want to thank Alstom Foundation fund that allows us to massify our "Reforestamos Chile Nativo" project to reforest 7 hectares in Maipú, which is equivalent to more than 2,400 native trees," said Enrique Gellona, executive director of Corporación Cultiva.
Alstom employees participated in the activity, who together with their families, helped to plant the various native species. Alstom Chile Human Resources director, Guillermo Bonilla, stated that the company, through Alstom Foundation, participates in this type of initiative, because "there is a commitment to improve the living conditions of the communities in which we find ourselves included".
"Alstom Foundation seeks to promote and finance projects that contribute to the improvement of the environment and the economic and social development of the population, where it develops railway activities and projects. In this particular case of Chile, it has not only financed the reforestation project together with the Cultiva Corporation, but it also contemplates a training model for the young people of the district through education programs in native flora, said Bonilla.
Since its creation, Alstom Foundation has supported a total of 168 projects in 52 countries.
With a budget of one million Euros per year, Alstom Foundation supports and finances projects proposed by company´s employees, together with local partners and non-profit organizations, to develop initiatives aimed at improving the living conditions of communities located near Alstom facilities and project sites around the world. Previous Foundation projects have addressed issues such as economic and social development, access to energy and water, environmental protection and access to transportation.
The activity in Rinconada de Maipú was also attended by some of Corporación Cultiva's partners in the "Reforestamos Chile Nativo" project, such as Socialab, Armony, Agua Give y Red Wine Chile.
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