Alstom to supply 17 additional Metropolis trains for Singapore Circle Line and North East Line
Alstom to supply 17 additional Metropolis trains for Singapore Circle Line and North East Line
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Alstom has signed an agreement with Singapore Land Transport Authority (LTA) to supply six additional Metropolis trains (36 metro cars) and 11 additional Metropolis trains (33 metro cars) for the extensions of Singapore North East Line (NEL) and Circle Line (CCL) respectively[1]. All 69 Metropolis cars will be manufactured in Alstoms Barcelona site. The contract value is about 150 million euros.
Alstom has successfully delivered over 100 Metropolis trains (450 metro cars) in operation to Singapore, serving the 35.5km long Circle Line and 20km long North East Line. Additionally, Alstom provides maintenance training to its customers and supplies spare parts for these trains.
Alstom is delighted to win this contract. By providing additional reliable and energy efficient rolling stock to North East Line and Circle Line, we commit to supporting our customer, LTA, to further increase the capacity and availability of the existing lines. Alstom aims to be the preferred partner of LTA for their transport solutions in Singapore, said Ling Fang, Managing Director of China & East Asia, Alstom.
Metropolis is Alstoms metro train solution. 25 cities in the world have ordered 5,500 Metropolis cars since 1998. It is available in both driverless mode and driver mode. Alstom has implemented some of the first driverless metros in the world, including Singapore North East Line.
Present in Singapore actively for transport activities for over 20 years, Alstom is a major supplier of integrated metro system, signalling, rolling stock, infrastructures and services for Singapore MRT lines, among which Circle Line MRT system is fully designed and built by Alstom in consortium with local companies. Besides rolling stock, Alstom also supplied Urbalis signalling system to North East Line and Thomson & East Coast Line, which is currently under development.
[1] This contract was booked in Q4 of the 2017/18 fiscal year.