Alstom takes part in "Industry Week"

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Alstom's industrial presence in France consists of some 20 sites spread throughout the country, employing 18,000 people. These sites produce for both the national and export markets. Each has specific capabilities, expertise and experience. All contribute to Alstom's unique range of products and services in the Energy and Transport markets.

The opening of a new site in Saint Nazaire in 2014 specialising in offshore wind turbines reflects the Group's industrial impetus in France.

France's Semaine de l'Industrie (Industry Week) is an opportunity for Alstom to present its business lines and demonstrate their diversity, along with the professional prospects they offer. Alstom has organised a range of initiatives at its sites to coincide with this year's event, the fifth since its inception:


  • 2 April: Alstom has teamed up with the association Elles bougentwhich seeks to make pupils and students more aware of job opportunities for engineers and techniciansto introduce people to the site, which specialises in manufacturing trams and TGV cars. Find out more.

Learn more about Elles bougent at:


  • FilmIt:  The Franche-Comté Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie (UIMM) has joined forces with the regional government to organise the Festival du Film des Industries Technologiques (Festival Film'IT) for the second consecutive year. Watch interviews with young apprentices and employees at Alstom Power conducted by pupils from Lycée Armand Peugeot in Valentigney.
  • 26 March: "Energy Valley" tour: The Belfort Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI 90) is organising a tour of Alstom's turbine workshops for teachers from a number of schools in the region. Learn more
  • 2 April: Discovering jobs for women in industry. This event is being organised by Vallée de lEnergie (Energy Valley). Some 40 pupils from the region will meet Alstom employees to discuss opportunities for women in industry. Learn more.


  • 31 March and 2 April: In partnership with the town of Le Creusot, Alstom organizes visits to introduce people to its site and jobs related to designing and manufacturing bogies. Learn more.


  • Tuesday 31 March & Thursday 2 April: The Ludres site specialises in assembling electronic circuit boards. As part of the tour, Alstom employees will explain the manufacturing process and testing methods for the electronic modules. Learn more.


  • 2 April: The Alstom site in Tarbes specialises in making traction systems, power modules and equipment. In partnership with Tarbes & Hautes-Pyrénées Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and its partners (UIMM, Fédération du BTP, MEDEF and CGPME), Alstom is offering a tour of its workshops during which experts will tell visitors about the work they do. Learn more