Alstom is revolutionizing the passenger experience

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At InnoTrans, Alstom testifies to its customers its everyday commitment to make rail transport the preferred mode of travel. With its passenger experience concept, Alstom is placing comfort, connectivity and fluidity at the heart of its strategy.

The aim is to offer an incredible journey to passengers.

A fun circuit recreates the atmosphere that could be experienced on Alstom trains by passengers of the future. Using a smartphone, the passenger makes his ticket reservation on-line, chooses his seat and receives information about the station in real-time. He pre-selects a preview of music and films to discover on the train.

On-board, the passenger is guided by a light beam to the seat that awaits him, designed for his optimum comfort* and fitted with an interactive touchpad and smart glass displaying information concerning his journey and destination.

In conclusion, Alstom and some of its suppliers have imagined a revolutionary scenario: innovation at the service of passenger comfort to make the passengers journey as fluid as possible.

*Curved seat isolated from the surrounding noise, individual sound system, customized lighting, modular seating position