Alstom at EPE'14
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Alstom Grid participated 26.-28.8.2014 in the international EPE'14 congress and exhibition, organised in the Lappeenranta University of Technology.
This event is the biggest annual international conference in Europe on power electronics. It is organised by The European Power Electronics and Drives Association, EPE. The event this year, EPE14, was the 16th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. For more information on the event see the link attached on the right.
In the Alstom exhibition booth Alstom Grid's Compensation Systems business unit from Tampere was presenting their operations and references, like the SVC projects. Static VAr Compensator (SVC) is technology, that improves the efficiency and reliability of the power transmission in the grid. While improving operating costs, SVCs also dynamically supply reactive power (capacitive or inductive) to stabilise the voltage and dampen transmission system instabilities. As an example the Fingrid Kangasala 400 kv substation with Alstoms SVC technology was presented.
Jarmo Aho from Alstom presented in his poster session in the congress the new topology for SVC, with product name "Main Reactor", which has been developed at Alstom Grid in Tampere. In this topology a reactor in each phase is placed between the SVC and it's step down transformer, which enables significantly lower erection and operation costs compared to the traditional topology. Additionally the footprint required is smaller and the performance is increased. The case study for the Main Reactor SVC in this poster session presentation was the SVC, delivered to the Beauly substation for Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE) in Scotland.
A lottery was organised among all the visitors at the Alstom booth - the lucky winner is Mia Salonen from the Lappeenranta Academic Library. Congratulations to Mia and a big thank you for all the visitors!
See also the video, where Sales Director Markku Holappa from Alstom Grid in Finland tells about the role of power compensation within power electronics.