Alstom installs EV-alpha burner to reduce NOx emissions in Frankfurt

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Alstom has for the first time installed a NOx-reducing EV-alpha burner on a GT13D gas turbine. The new burner was installed during a regular service outage at the Heizkraftwerk West heat and power plant in Frankfurt, owned by Mainova AG.

More stringent emission legislation required such NOx reduction measures from the operator to ensure that the gas power plant remains operational in the future, ensuring security of electricity supply whilst offering maximum flexibility.

Alstoms EV-alpha burner is a product upgrade in which the burners air/fuel mixture has been improved to enable a 40% reduction in NOx levels. Significant reductions close to single digit emission levels are possible depending on GT type and unit specifics. These improvements have no impact on the lifetime of the components.

The power plant outage and the installation of the new burner were completed on schedule in September.

Initial measurements in late summer demonstrated that the guaranteed reduction in NOx emission levels had been achieved and in particular that emissions had reduced significantly in partial-load operation. The optimised adjustment of the burner now enables the machine to be operated more flexibly, and the turbines combustion behaviour is excellent, says Florian Boss, Project Manager, Alstom Thermal Services.

The system will be handed over to the customer following final measurements during the cooler ambient temperatures over the winter. The plant outage including the adjustment of the burners was planned and implemented by engineers from Alstoms Mannheim and Baden (Switzerland) sites.


Image: HKW West (Copyright: Mainova)