Alstom Grid hosts in Paris the consortium ENERGY POSITIVE IT 2.0

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Today, Alstom Grid hosts, in its Sector headquarters in La Défense Paris, the Energy Positive IT 2.0 consortium led by EMBIX. The event joins 14 partners, including Alstom, to present the conclusions of the project consortium. This project was launched within the 11th call for project from the French Fond Unique Interministériel to create, develop and validate an open IT architecture for Distributed Energy Resource Management in ecocities (referred as the SIORE architecture). The project was developed between 2011 and 2014. 

The solution integrates new System of System architectures, leveraging big data technology to allow real-time information stream of various actors of the energy value chain, from distributed generation to storage, according to demand. The prototype was tested in the headquarters of Alstom Grid, and the newly retrofitted headquarters of Bouygues Construction, Challenger, in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. 

As part of this consortium, Alstom worked on new IT architectures, reusing new standards established as part of the ETSI-CEN-CENELEC Smart Grid effort to expand energy management tools to specific city business environments (with partners Bouygues Energy Services, EMBIX and Zamiren). 

The effort resulted in the prototyping of new, real-time Big Data solutions for the management of urban Microgrids in partnership with French labs in renewable energy, the Atomic Energy Centre and the School of Electrical Engineering, Supelec. This prototype connects with new energy objects from the "Internet of Things", realising  a new partnership with Dotvision, a French start-up specialised in real-time Geospatial and new Spoony intelligent device to connect city infrastructures. This project also initiated Alstoms partnership with Renault-Nissan in smart charging, offering new alternatives to connect electrical vehicles to urban Microgrids. 

Several R&D demonstration projects were born out of this foundational project, including Eco2Charge, ReflexE, or SystemX, each addressing further implementation steps of the new EPIT2.0 System of System architecture. 

Caroline Kozik (Alstom Grid)

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