Alstom offers a range of trains and signalling solutions for modern and efficient railway traffic

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Rail transport is at the core of mobility challenges facing regions today. Acting as a bridge between urban transport options and main line trains, it offers an alternative solution to saturated roads of large cities and ever-expanding suburbs, and contributes to regional economic development while protecting the environment.

Also in the Czech Republic, the environment for transportation as well as rail infrastructure is about to change. The market liberalization provides opportunities for new private operators, and intended investments into more efficient signalling solutions on main railway transit corridors will optimize the development of international traffic.

For the past five years, the regional train market has accounted for 9 billion euro in average annual sales worldwide, with Europe accounting for 61% of the market. Alstom is a key player in the global market of regional transport. Its range of Coradia regional trains with single or double decks are already running in nine countries of Europe: Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Luxembourg. Coradia trains will also run in Canada as of 2014.

For regional traffic, Alstom has developed the Coradia family, a range of regional trains for electrified and non-electrified lines which provide an answer to the specific needs of each region: local mobility, economy, reliability, availability and ecology. The Coradia trains can be equipped with an electronic control system which makes it possible to use no more energy than is strictly needed at all times. The concept is very flexible: the number of cars, the configuration of seats, the number of doors and interior layouts are all variable to provide the best response to different needs. The low floor option guarantees improved access as well as greater safety and visibility on-board.
In Europe, nearly over 1,550 single level trains in the Coradia range have been ordered. To date, 80% are already in circulation.

Cross-border railway traffic is still no reality within Europe. More than 20 different signalling systems shall flow into an overall one. The ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) standard aims to establish rail network interoperability and ease cross-border operation. This initiative, launched in the early 1990s by the European Community, has now expanded far beyond Europes frontiers. In defining the ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) and ETCS (European Train Control System) standards, Alstom has played a major role. Alstom offers integrated signalling systems processing all data of a rail network. Atlas is a dedicated system fully compliant with these standards to meet customer operational needs. This complete solution integrates all networks data to adapt the speed and distance between trains, even when the train crosses a border: on-board equipment is connected to an integrated control centre which constantly exchanges data with networks trackside equipment and interlocking systems.

Atlas is the first solution to have proven the daily operations of cross-border traffic operating with ERTMS standards on freight lines and very high-speed lines (above 300 km/h). It increases operational performance and capacity reducing intervals between trains and transport times on all lines. Atlas has also demonstrated that interoperability is possible between on-board and ground system supplied by other ERTMS suppliers. The Alstom system is leading in commercial operation of ETCS Level 2: 60% of lines and 70% of trains are equipped by Alstom.

For Italy's new Rome - Naples high speed network, an Alstom-led consortium designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned Atlas trackside ETCS Level 2. The 220 km line, opened for service in December 2005, was the first to operate with ERTMS Level 2 without a fallback system. Trains run at 300 km/h with a minimum headway of 2.30 minutes. Alstom also provided Atlas trainborne for the fleet of Italian national operator Trenitalia under a separate contract. In 2010, Italy's second high speed line, Bologna-Florence, also equipped by Alstom and of which 95% is through tunnel, entered service.
Furthermore, Alstom implements tailored solutions from technical support, spare parts and logistics solutions to global maintenance and modernization programs for all types of Alstom or non-Alstom trains.

A promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport is the only manufacturer in the world to master all businesses of the rail sector, offering a complete range of high performance products: trains, infrastructures, information systems, services, turnkey solutions.

Press Contact
Dominik Beyer, Media Relations Central Europe
Tel.: +49 621 329 1537 -