A new platform on energy efficiency and the city of tomorrow
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The city of Mureaux (Yvelines, France) is launching a centre for education, research and information on energy efficiency and electric vehicles to develop future technologies for the Smart Grid. It will bring together a wide range of institutional and industrial actors including EMBIX - the joint venture of Alstom and Bouygues and numerous teaching and research establishments, including: the Université de Versailles Saint Quentin, the EPMI engineering school, ITEDEC business school and the Université de Cergy Pontoise.
As of 2014, the programme will welcome around 700 students a year, from technical colleges to graduate schools, allowing the same mix of competencies found in the professional world. It will be a campus with an innovative approach to learning. It will also benefit from being located in an experimental building, itself the subject of education and research, as well as home to a unique information system enabling the city to study its energy usage. These projects are part of Mureauxs continuing innovation in the domain of energy, now recognised around the world.
Alstom through its division Alstom Grid and its Joint Venture Company EMBIX has developed an eco-system of partnerships to enhance synergies across all domains. Alstom Grid is currently a leading player in 12 Smart Grid demonstration projects across Europe and the United States including NiceGrid, a Smart City, as well as a Smart Campus project with the Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines.