Alstom Transport rewarded for its responsible supplier relationships
Alstom Transport rewarded for its responsible supplier relationships
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Alstom Transport received today the "Relations Fournisseur Responsables" (responsible supplier relationships) quality label from Pierre Pelouzet, French mediator for inter-enterprises relations.
This label is awarded by "Médiation Inter-entreprises" (a government body responsible for mediating in business disputes) and the procurement association "Compagnie des Dirigeants et Acheteurs de France" (CDAF). It was launched in December 2012 by the Ministry for Productive Recovery.
Awarded for a period of three years, the label recognises French companies that maintain long-term, balanced relationships with their suppliers and SMEs. It extends and applies the 10 commitments for responsible procurement defined by the Responsible Supplier Relationship Charter1, to which Alstom was one of the first signatories in 2010.
The charter aims to encourage businesses to adopt responsible procurement practices in their dealings with their suppliers.
The award of the "Relations Fournisseur Responsables" label acknowledges the steps taken by Alstom Transport to be a company that takes its social solidarity role seriously and is committed to the three-way partnership between large companies, SMEs and suppliers.
The label reinforces the company's partnership with its 3,500 suppliers. It is awarded following an audit by Vigeo, a firm of experts specialising in corporate social responsibility.
1 - More information the Ministry website (in French), 10 commitments
Press contacts
Linda Huguet / Justine Rohée (Alstom Transport HQ)
Tel: +33 1 57 10 42 / 18 81;