Alstom Italy joins the "Employability 2.0" project: a meeting point between companies and the young

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Alstom Italy takes part to the "Employability 2.0 project, developed by Consel - Consorzio ELIS together with SKY, involving some of the leading Italian companies that share the desire to offer young people real opportunities to enter the world of work.
The aim of the initiative is to promote the integration between school, university and industry, offering top training programs, oriented to the acquisition of skills based on the actual job requirements.

On this occasion, companies have the opportunity to create growth and value for people, and young people have the opportunity to take the first steps of their career in some of the most important companies at Italian and international level.

The "Employability 2.0" program, after a phase of selection managed by companies joining the project, provides a period of pre-entry training conducted by Consorzio ELIS lasting 3 weeks. Once completed, the training on the job experience starts and participants are committed to achieve some useful certifications which will support their professional growth. At the end of the work cycle, lasting between 18 and 24 months, the young graduates can be employed by one of three companies in which they had their experience.