Successful boiler pressure test at block 8 of Rheinhafen-Dampfkraftwerk (RDK8), Karlsruhe, Germany

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Successful milestone for Alstoms supercritical coal-fired steam power plant in Karlsruhe

Alstom reached another milestone in the completion of block 8 for its client EnBW Kraftwerke AG: Alstoms experts have successfully carried out a boiler pressure test at Rheinhafen-Dampfkraftwerk in Karlsruhe, Germany. During the test, membrane walls, heating surfaces and the piping of the boiler, which is 104 meters tall and weighs about 5,000 tons, are filled with water and tested for tightness at a pressure of 574 bar. Far more than 50,000 welding lines were tested and successfully withstood this high pressure.

Together with our customer, EnBW Kraftwerke AG, we are very happy having reached this milestone. The successful boiler test at this extremely high pressure proves, that we fulfill the requirements regarding quality with our project RDK8, said Leif Timmermann, member of the board of ALSTOM Boiler Deutschland GmbH at the construction site in Karlsruhe.

The new block 8 at the Rheinhafen-Dampfkraftwerk will produce 912 Megawatt (MW) of electricity and account for the security of supply in Southern Germany. Due to the application of Alstoms supercritical boiler technology the efficiency of the power plant in commercial service will be above 46 %. RDK8 will be one of the first supercritical coal-fired steam power plants worldwide with steam parameters of up to 620°C. Because of higher temperatures and higher pressures the efficiency of the boiler is further increased. The possibility of district heating could further improve the plants efficiency degree.

Alstoms scope of supply for the RDK8 project includes full engineering, procurement and construction of boiler and mills as well as turbine, generator and air quality control systems. Currently Alstom employs 1,200 people, including subcontractors, at the Karlsruhe construction site. Block 8 is scheduled to be connected to the grid in 2013.

Press contact
Dominik Beyer (Alstom Germany) Tel: +49 621 329 1537