In safe hands at Staffordshire Rugby Clubs

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Players, staff and visitors are in safe hands after St Leonard’s RUFC and Stafford RUFC recently received a life-saving donation from Alstom.

Alstom has teamed up with West Midlands Ambulance Service to provide life-saving support and equipment to both of the Staffordshire rugby clubs.

Alstom donated defibrillators (devices that are used to restart someone’s heart when they’ve suffered a cardiac arrest), whilst West Midlands Ambulance Service will be providing the clubs with free training in the use of the devices and providing basic life support skills to all at the club.

The defibrillators were presented to Terry Griffin and Brian Gayton from the two clubs by Gavin Terry-Short & Patrick Doherty from Alstom UK and Duncan Parsonage from WMAS during their end of season games last weekend. The Mayor gave the scheme his support and also attended the presentation.

Alstom UK President, Steve Burgin, said: “Alstom takes pride in its commitment to the health and safety of its employees. We are really pleased to be able to support the community in the same way by providing these two great rugby clubs with  defibrillators"

Duncan Parsonage, Community Response Manager for West Midlands Ambulance Service said: “As with all recreational facilities it is inevitable that from time to time a visitor or employee could become ill or injured whilst on site. By having a defibrillator on site and people trained in their use will help to ensure that should anyone ever unfortunately suffer a cardiac arrest, the best care possible can be provided quickly and effectively, prior to the arrival of the ambulance service.