Cornerstone ceremony at the new Auvere power plant in Narva, Estonia

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VIPs including government minister, French ambassador and top Alstom executives gather to celebrate innovative Estonian steam plant project 

As activity ramps up at the innovative new Auvere power plant the latest part of the Narva power plants complex - in north-eastern Estonia, a prestigious group of dignitaries assembled at the site on 4 May for a cornerstone ceremony to celebrate the project.

Demonstrating Narva's importance to Estonia, the government's Economic Affairs Minister Juhan Parts attended alongside the mayors of both Narva and Arumäe, and the French Ambassador to Tallinn, Frédéric Billet. A high level Alstom delegation included Steam Senior Vice President Andreas Lusch, Steam Plants Europe/MEA Vice President Didier Pfleger and Steam Boilers Vice President Frédéric Pierucci also joined the guest list, as did Sandor Liive, the CEO of the client, Eesti Energia. 

As the VIPs gathered, mobilisation levels at the site reached around two hundred as civil activities, including reinforcement and concreting, intensify in order to keep to schedule. 

Alstom is supplying client Eesti Energia with a 300 MW unit under an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract with an option on a second unit for this new Narva plant, which will be fuelled by a mix of oil shale and biomass. The project will expand the generating capacity of the current Narva complex and better meet Europe-wide environmental regulations thanks to Alstom's leading edge circulating fluidised bed (CFB) technology, which offers lower emissions and higher efficiency.

The new power plant will meet the future stringent EU emission directives, thanks to the state-of-the-art technology supplied by Alstom. 

The Narva project is a 2 x 300 MW steam power plant for Estonian state-owned utility company Eesti Energia, via its subsidiary Narva Elektrijaamad. Alstom is currently supplying the first unit under an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract, with the second unit option expected to be announced in 2012. The new plant will be sited near Narva in north-east Estonia close to the Russian border, adjacent to an existing facility, and will be fuelled by oil shale and biomass.