Alstom receives award for safety

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The Zero-Accident Forum of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health has granted ALSTOM Finland Oys Thermal Services business level 1 classification - in the worlds forefront of safety - in the Forums evaluation for the occupational safety in 2011. The award was granted during the forumss safety seminar in Naantali on Wednesday 9th May 2012. 

The Thermal Services business has today worked 900 days without any loss time accidents. The result has been achieved by strongly focusing on the occupational safety issues since 2008. A special challenge for this achievement creates the operations of Thermal Services employees in demanding maintenance works at industrial sites and power plants. 

The Zero-Accident Forum grants annually classifications for its member organisations, which have succesfully contributed to their safety. The idea of the classification is to help work places in monitoring and motivating organisations towards zero accidents. The frequence and severity of accidents are among the criteria when granting the different levels. Additionally it is required that processes for investigating the reasons for accidents and near miss reports are in place.

 The Zero-Accidents Forum is a network of Finnish organisations. The Forum aims to promote zero accidents and continuous development of occupational health in the organisations. The Forum has been working since 2003. Over 280 Finnish organisations are members with their almost 300 000 employees. The operations of the Forum is coordinated and developed by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.