Inauguration trip of AGV .Italo. Alstom: "With the AGV.Italo, Alstom is contributing in maintaining levels of excellence in the Italian railway system"

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During the inauguration trip of the new very high-speed train AGV .Italo, built by Alstom for the private operator Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori (NTV), on the High Speed line Rome-Naples, Pierre-Louis Bertina, President and CEO of Alstom Ferroviaria Spa said:

"With the AGV. Italo, that represents the state of the art in high speed trains, Alstom is contributing in maintaining levels of excellence in the Italian railway system.

8 AGV trains. Italo were manufactured in Italy in the center of excellence of Savigliano (CN-1200 employees), while the site of Bologna (650 employees) and Sesto San Giovanni (MI-390 employees) have realized, respectively, signalling and traction systems for all 25 train sets on the contract. Confirming the Italian excellence in these areas.

Today 250 regional trains and 19 high-speed trains, produced in our Italian plants, are running on the national network. For fifteen years we put our technology expertise to serve the Italian high-speed, both in terms of signalling and infrastructure, helping to make it one of the most advanced networks in the world scene.

About Alstom
Alstom is one of the worlds leaders in power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure and sets the benchmark for innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom builds the fastest train and the highest capacity automated metro in the world, provides turnkey integrated power plant solutions and associated services for all thermal (coal, nuclear, gas...) and renewable (hydro, wind, solar...) energy sources. It offers a wide range of solutions for power transmission, with a focus on smart grids. The Group employs over 90,000 people in around 100 countries, and had sales of 21 billion in 2010/11.

Press contact
Daniela Pradella
Alstom Italia
Tel. + 39 02 24348.4493; Mob. 348 2586205