Alstom at Power-Gen India 2012

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Powering India’s growth since last 100 years

Alstom at the Power-Gen India conference on “Switching on India’s Power Future”, 19 – 21 April 2012, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India.

India, the world’s second most populous country, is currently one of the largest business opportunities in the power sector across the world. Ministry of power is working out strategies with focus on low cost generation, optimization of capacity utilization, controlling the input cost, optimization of fuel mix, Technology upgradation and utilization of Non Conventional energy sources to achieve the target of ‘Power for All’ Indians. This presents a huge opportunity for the power equipment manufacturer or service provider as India presents the perfect combination of demand and supply. 

Backed by in-depth plant knowledge, Alstom offers a comprehensive range of power generation solutions from integrated power plants for all types of resources: water, fossil fuels, wind, nuclear etc. and all types of turbines, generators, boilers, emission control systems, to a full range of services including plant modernization, maintenance and operational support.

Alstom is an international company with a historical and strong Indian local presence.

Present in India since 1911, Alstom in India has made immense contributions to the Indian energy market. It has formed strategic partnerships with strong local players to bring in frontline technologies to enhance the quality and efficiency of the power sector. It has strong references in fossil fuel, hydro and nuclear sector in India. Apart from India, Alstom is extending its presence across South Asian countries like Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Maldives.

Providing clean power solutions

Alstom is committed towards addressing the climate change challenge. CO2 free and low-carbon technology development are Alstom’s top priorities. Provider of the cleanest integrated power, Alstom’s Clean Power Today!™ strategy helps meet strict environmental regulations. Alstom is ready to provide the solutions that will meet the world’s increasing demand for power with its comprehensive range of technologies that ensure higher efficiency and lower emissions. Alstom believes in developing Clean Power Solutions for the future.

  • Production Efficiency
    With 60% of the total of CO2 emissions in 2030* (IEA World Energy Outlook 2008) coming from plants that exist today, solutions must continue to be developed and implemented that increase their efficiency. Alstom strongly believes in maximizing production efficiency for both installed base and new plants for emission reductions. It provides a comprehensive range of integrated retrofit solutions that offers varied and innovative products and services that can be applied to existing plants aimed at increasing efficiency, output and extending plant life.
  • Technology Mix
    Alstom has the broadest range of technology for fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables. With the most comprehensive and balanced portfolio of generation equipment in the market including the removal of traditional pollutants, Alstom is well positioned to assist plant operators apply the most appropriate technology mix to meet their market conditions.

Alstom presentations

Key Note Address by Sunand Sharma, Country President, Alstom India & South Asia, in the opening ceremony at 11:00 hrs.

Technical papers during the three day conference:

  • Different aspect to consider selecting FGD type of Technology
  • Latest Developments In Pelton Turbine testing and crossed use of Numerical approach to enhance the Turbine design
  • Understanding erosion of Pelton bucket
  • The Next Generation GT26 from Alstom, The Pioneer in Operational Flexibility
  • Component Retrofit Concept for India's Ageing Steam Turbine Fleet
  • Alstom's Flexible Supercritical Power Blocks