Local Alstom workers generate world-class technology

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Employees at Alstom Powers Generator Service Factory were celebrating completion of a world-class piece of equipment this week, the Daya Bay Stator, the largest stator built by workers at the Stafford site in recent years.

The UK-manufactured equipment is now set to travel more than 5,000 miles to its final destination in China, where it will become an integral part of the generator system supplying power into mainland China and Hong Kong. The 330 tonne super-size load will now depart Ellesmere port and travel for more than six weeks by sea before finally reaching Daya Bay in China.

More than 150 staff who work at the Generator Service Facility located on Lichfield Road have contributed to the construction of the stator (the principle stationary component found within all electric generators) since the contract was signed in June 2009.

The stator is a duplicate of the original unit manufactured at the Stafford factory in the late 1980s. As part of the manufacturing process, the design of the stator has been upgraded to incorporate Alstoms latest generator winding technology.

Daya Bay is Chinas first nuclear power plant built in Guangdong Province in 1984, where Alstom supplied 2x1000 MW steam turbine-generators. To date Alstom has supplied its conventional island equipment for 50% of Chinas total operational installed nuclear capacity.

As the market leader for generator service in the UK and with a strong heritage in generator technology, Alstom provides a wide range of technology-specific training aimed at developing skills in generator technology. Alstoms Generator Service Factory repairs and re-engineers large, complex generator units for power stations in the UK and overseas.

Henri Argenson, General Manager at Alstom Generator Product Centre, Stafford, comments: 

Were very proud that such pioneering technology has been produced right here in Stafford. We have an incredibly talented local workforce and the production of the stator is a true demonstration of their skills and commitment.

Alstom is a global business and world leader in power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure and our overseas customers are an incredibly important part of our business. The Far East market is a particular focus, so were delighted with the successful completion of the Daya Bay Stator contract. Were dedicated to continuing to invest in our staff and facilities, enabling us to provide world-class products and solutions.