Offshore wind in France: day to day progress on the call for tender

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In July 2011, the French government launched a call for tender to install 3 GW of offshore wind power off of France’s Atlantic and Channel coastlines by 2015, and a total of 6 GW by 2020. The projects considered will be expected to produce electricity at a reasonable cost, develop new industrial centres and networks that generate jobs, and protect the environment and maritime activities.

 The candidates sent in their proposals in January 2012. Alstom is the exclusive provider of the EDF Energies Nouvelles, Dong Energy, Nass and Wind and WPD consortium, which has proposed wind farm development for four of the five sites set up by the French government, namely: Saint-Nazaire, Saint-Brieuc, Courseulles-sur-Mer and Fécamp.
These projects will be accompanied by a job-creating industrial development plan in which Alstom envisions the set-up of up tofour plants dedicated to component production and assembly of 6 MW Haliade 150 offshore wind turbines in the port areas of St. Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) and Cherbourg (Manche).

The candidates will be preselected in April 2012 and retained in 2013. The facilities will come into service between 2015 and 2020.

Access a selection of curated articles and videos from trade websites and online media in order to learn more about:

  • The origins and details of the offshore wind power call for tender in France 
  • The make-up of the EDF Energies Nouvelles – Alstom consortium and its candidacy 
  • Alstom’s offshore wind turbine technology 
  • Alstom’s choice of Cherbourg and Saint-Nazaire as production sites 

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Retrouvez un ensemble darticles et de vidéos issus de sites spécialisés pour tout savoir sur les détails de lappel doffre éolien en mer en France et du consortium EDF EN - Alstom.

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