Power Electronics UK launched by Alstom UK President

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At the annual iPower event in Warwick, Steve Burgin, President of Alstom UK, launched the Power Electronics UK website and capability directory.

Stemming from the UK Government report 'Power Electronics - A Strategy for Success' in 2010, Power Electronics UK was formed from the need for a cross-industry forum in the technology.

The aim of Power Electronics UK is to ensure that the UK is recognised as a world leader in power electronics, creating jobs, and attracting investment.

Power Electronics are in almost every electronic device from mobile phones to cars, trains, aeroplanes and of course, energy networks and power stations.

The UK in particular has strong capabilities in these areas and Alstom is very much at the heart of those capabilities.

Through its facilities in Stafford, Alstom is today pioneering some of the next generation of power electronics technologies that will connect offshore wind farms to the national grid.

For more information on Power Electronics, visit the Power Electronics UK website, or join the Linked In community.