Hessian Minister Boddenberg visits CCS-Technology and European Execution Center of Alstom in Wiesbaden

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The Minister was informed about the various CO2-capture technologies as well as about their usage in international test and demonstration plants to analyse their suitability for industrial use. After the visit, the Minister said: “The CO2-capture and storage technology can contribute to reach the climate targets. To guarantee the international competitiveness, the Hessian high-technology site of Alstom in Wiesbaden needs a reliable legal CCS-framework (1). In this sense, I will will stand up for the Hessian interests in the upcoming negotiations in the CCS-mediation committee in Berlin.”

At the beginning of February, the negotiations for national CCS-legislation in Germany will be continued in the mediation committee between German Bundestag and Bundesrat. There is some urgency as according to an EU-guideline, the European CCS-legislation should have been converted into national legislation in June 2011.

(For more information, please read the German version of the press release)
(1) Carbon Capture and Storage

Press contact
Beatrix Fontius (Alstom Germany) – Tel: +49 621 329 2070 – beatrix.fontius@power.alstom.com