Meet Alstoms wind experts at Wind Power Expo 2011 in Zaragoza, Spain

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Alstom will present its latest wind power offering at Wind Power Expo 2011 Zaragoza, from September 27-29.

The company will unveil the latest addition to the ECO 100 turbine platform, which sets a new standard for low wind sites opening up new business opportunities for customers worldwide. Alstom will also update visitors on its new generation Haliade 150 - 6 MW offshore wind turbine, announced earlier this year. The  turbine has been designed to boost reliability and energy yield to cut the cost of offshore electricity.

Wind power experts and sales staff will be at hand at Alstom’s booth Hall 2, booth E 19-23 to answer questions about Alstom’s complete wind offering spanning wind site development, turbine technology, wind farm construction and wind services.

Alstom experts will participate in the following industry panels on September 27:

  • 11:45 - Round table 1: “Employment linked to wind power” ("El empleo vinculado al desarrollo futuro de la eólica"), Pedro Jaray.
  • 13:00 - Round table 2: "The industry and offshore wind: Business experiences and opportunities for Spanish companies in the development of offshore wind", Daniel Castell".

We look forward to seeing you there.