Alstom joins industry experts to discuss oxyfuel combustion technologies at the 2nd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference

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From September 12-16, 2011, Alstom participated at the 2nd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference in Queensland, Australia. The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG) is a major international collaborative programme undertaking research on greenhouse gas mitigation. During this conference, Alstom experts joined other industry experts to discuss issues and challenges of oxyfuel combustion and CO2 capture technologies.

Australia currently generates approximately 80% of its electricity from coal. The country aims to reduce its CO2 emissions by 5% by 2020 and the government has announced plans to pass carbon pricing legislation in November, which could lead to a carbon price of $23 - 25 for three years, followed by an emissions trading scheme.

Alstom's carbon capture technologies can be retrofitted into any industrial, coal and gas-fired power station. Additionally, Alstom is the world's leading provider of environmental control systems (ECS) and offers the widest scope of power generation solutions including renewable technologies such as hydro, wind, solar, marine and geothermal. Therefore, Alstom's pioneering CCS technologies, together with its wide scope of power generation solutions spanning all fuels, are set to play a key role in helping Australia curb its emissions.

Alstoms pioneering oxy-combustion technology offers the following benefits:

  • Large size units of up to the 1100 MWe range can be scaled up to from the 250 MWe large-scale demonstration plants.
  • Reliability: Components and systems used in the oxy-chain already exist in other fields of application and only have to be adapted (or scaled-up in some cases) and integrated into power plants.
  • The existing boiler types and configurations (Pulverised Coal boiler in tower or two pass, Circulating Fluidised Boiler) and firing systems can all be adapted to oxy-combustion.
  • Oxy-combustion technology can be retrofitted into the existing installed base.
  • Supercritical and ultra-supercritical cycles and large unit sizes lead to high efficiency and competitiveness.

Read more about Alstom's carbon capture oxy combustion technology

Presentations that have been delivered by Alstom staff at the conference:

  • Co-chairing of Plenary Session
    Oxyfuel Demonstration Project Technical Update

    John Marion, Alstom, USA

  • Technical Session: Demonstration and Large Scale Pilot Plant Project II
    Oxy-Combustion Testing in 30MWth Pilot Plant Schwarze Pumpe

    Frank Kluger, Alstom, Germany

  • Technical Session: Demonstration and Large Scale Pilot Plant Project II
    Oxy-Fired Tangential Boiler Development and Large-Scale (15MWth) Validation

    Armand Levasseur, Alstom, USA

  • Technical Session: Chemical Looping Combustion
    Alstom Chemical Looping Technology Status

    John Marion, Alstom, USA

  • Technical Session: Toward Commercialisation of Oxyfuel Technology
    Overview of a Manufacturers Efforts to Commercialise Oxy-Combustion for Steam Power Plants

    John Marion, Alstom, USA