The Alstom-led consortium submits its offer for the ADIF signalling contract in the public-private collaboration category

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Alstom and its partners Isolux, Emte and CAF submitted today their offer for the high-speed line signalling contract in the railway stretch between Albacete and Alicante. This project is part of the Public-Private Collaboration Extraordinary Infrastructure Plan, the first of its kind launched by ADIF, which covers the supply, installation and maintenance of this stretchs railway installation. This will enable the presence of high-speed railway in Alicante by 2012.

The consortium gathers more companies than any other of the applying consortiums, and all of the companies are leaders in their sectors. The technical and financial reliability and the strong industrial and human presence in Spain are the consortiums main credentials in order to take on this project.

From a financial point of view, all members of the consortium are financially very stable. Alstom in particular has a strong background in railway system contracts, being the most experienced railway equipment provider in the world in this kind of public-private collaborations, as testified by the Public Works Financing Magazine. In Spain, the tramway system in Barcelona was the first turnkey concession, in which Alstom and Comsa Emte participated from the beginning. Comsa-Emte is the number two unlisted Spanish company in the infrastructure, service, engineering and systems sector. Isolux-Corsan is the number one unlisted company in the infrastructure sector with multiple concession projects all around the world.

This infrastructure plan category launched in Spain raised the interest of European financial groups, which illustrates the reliability and strong financial structure of such projects. Particularly Caisse des Dépôts has confirmed their interest in supporting this consortium, therefore strengthening its financial basis.

The key technology of this project is the ERTMS signalling equipment (European Rail Traffic Management System), nowadays in enhanced level 2, based on a GSM communication system developed for railways (GSM-R). This is the first time that ADIF has requested to install solely the level 2 system, in that on previous occasions they had installed both level 1 and 2 together.

Alstom is the European leader in ERTMS level 2, since it provided the equipment for 6 of the 10 existing lines with this technology, especially the first high-speed line, the first inter-operable line between two countries and the highest traffic-dense line. The main advantages of Alstom´s ERTMS technology are its higher capability of railway traffic management and higher reliability and availability of the equipment. Elip Senialia, the technological branch from the CAF Group, is a specialist in railway signalling and telecommand solutions at national and international level.

The four companies have a strong industrial base in Spain with several technology development sites and a team of more than 25,000 employees who have successfully proved their capability of executing projects like this.

About Alstom Transport
With sustainable transport in mind, Alstom Transport develops and offers the most complete range of systems, equipment and services on the rail market. Alstom Transport is capable of managing complete transport systems, from rolling stock to signalling, maintenance and infrastructure, as well as offering turnkey solutions. In 2010-2011, Alstom Transport recorded sales of 5.6 billion and is present in over 60 countries. Alstom Transport has 2,000 employees in Spain in more than 20 sites all over the country.

Press Contact
Andrés López-Morancho, Alstom Spain Tel.: +34 91 334 5800
Germán Ruiz Gómez, Alstom Transporte Tel.: +34 91 334 5800
