Alstom to host final of BOC English Apprentice Welder 2011

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The contest to decide the best apprentice welder in England this year will be decided at global engineering company Alstoms state-of-the-art welding facility in Stafford next month. Finalists from each of the English regions will compete for BOCs Apprentice Welder title over two days from 6-7 July.

Alstoms welding facility was opened in 2009 as part of the companys commitment to improve welding skills in British industry This objective also mirrors BOCs decision to establish the Apprentice Welder competition. BOC, a member of The Linde Group, is the UKs largest supplier of industrial and welding gases.

Equipped with 18 individual welding bays, the facility is fitted with the latest energy efficiency systems, with each bay having its own independent power and lighting control system, significantly reducing power wastage. 

Mike Dennis, Business Director for BOCs Bulk and Packaged Gases, said: With the major infrastructure projects being planned for the coming years, it is vital that the UK produces highly-qualified welders. We are delighted that Alstom Power in Stafford will host the English final. This facility is an excellent arena for the competitors to demonstrate their skills.

Jim McIlwrath, Alstom Welding Engineering Manager, commented: Being involved in skills competitions, and with BOC in particular, has helped to raise Alstoms skills profile across the power generation industry.  The chance to compete against other companies and colleges from all over the UK is very exciting, as Alstom can put its hard work in developing apprentice welder training into action.

Last year, our dedicated welding facility in Stafford was chosen as the venue for the BOC Regional Finals. Its a great achievement and honour to now be hosting the prestigious BOC All England Welding Finals at the same facility and we look forward to the competition.


Notes to editors

  1. The UK Apprentice Welding Competition is an annual competition designed to encourage and recognise excellence in welding skills amongst trainees and apprentices. National finals are also held in Scotland, England and Wales.
  2. The UK Apprentice Welding Competition is an initiative of the Learning and Skills Council, and UK Skills. It is sponsored across the UK by BOC.
  3. The competition is open to candidates of any age, but they must be engaged upon a course of training recognised by an award body

The UK Apprentice Welding Competition is an annual competition designed to encourage and recognise excellence in welding skills amongst trainees and apprentices. National finals are also held in Scotland, England and Wales.