Alstom Power study demonstrates carbon capture and storage (CCS) works and is cost competitive

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According to Alstom Power: We can now be confident that carbon capture technology (CCS) works and that it is cost effective. Unveiling the results of a detailed Alstom study at PowerGen Europe in Milan, Alstom said that there is no longer anything preventing Europe from embracing carbon capture and storage. The study, based on experience from the groups 13 pilot and demonstration projects and validated by independent experts, concludes that the cost of generating electricity at commercial scale in 2015 will be below 8,5 eurocents/kWh when burning coal or 6.5 eurocents/kWh when burning gas. This is the same as, or even less than, that from renewable energy sources. The demonstration pilots Alstom is working on have proved that the full chain of capture and storage can work, capture 90% of CO2, and store it safely and reliably.

Philippe Joubert said: This is a decisive moment for players in the European energy field, in industry or in policy-making, if they want to position themselves as active on the world stage for this field of decarbonised fossil fuels, where there is considerable potential. Over 50% of the worlds electricity will still be produced from fossil fuels in 2035, and CCS is currently the only valid solution for reducing emissions from fossil fuel generation and more specifically on already existing power plants.

Alstom has long maintained that all solutions to reduce emissions will be necessary if we are to tackle climate change: increasing the use of all renewable forms of energy, improving the efficiency of fossil power generation and transmission, and developing carbon capture and storage. The application of CCS to both coal- and gas-fired power stations and to industry is essential, and the technology could account for up to 20 percent of the required emissions reduction by the year 2050, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

One of the last arguments against CCS has now fallen: the cost of electricity generated on a commercial scale is no higher than other low-carbon energy sources and shows that a power plant with CCS is firm, predictable, base-load regime. Some renewable energy sources are much more costly, with photovoltaic panels for instance coming to 20-30 eurocents/kWh: nearly two to four times as expensive.

After 10 years development, CCS technology is on the point of large-scale deployment. A new global market is opening up, and Europe is well positioned given its technology lead and the steps it is taking to put in place a regulatory framework and to incentivise deployment through the financing of large demonstration plants, provided, that it does it now.