Alstom Rochester Hosts National-level Discussion on Job Creation

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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

Creating new jobs was topic #1 at Alstoms Rochester rail signaling manufacturing facility on Tuesday, May 10th, when the company, together with the Apollo Alliance, co-hosted a forum on how federal investment in U.S. transportation projects creates green collar jobs, reduces carbon emissions and improves the overall safety, comfort, and efficiency of Americas transportation system.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Transportation John Porcari headlined the event, and was joined by New York State Transportation Commissioner Joan McDonald, representatives of the Apollo Alliance, local labor leaders, and Alstom executives.

In his remarks, Deputy Secretary Porcari noted that, As gas prices rise and families look for environmentally-friendly transportation alternatives, President Obama is committed to making sure our freight and passenger rail networks move people and goods more quickly and efficiently than ever before, said Deputy Secretary Porcari. Thanks to companies like Alstom, American workers are building the rail lines and equipment that will allow us to compete and win in the global economy.

More than 50 people attended the event, during which Alstom announced it has invested $3 million dollars to expand its 150,000 square foot West Henrietta facility to support 200 additional jobs. This exciting example of new job creation followed just a day after U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood announced $2 billion in funding for intercity high-speed rail projects.

Addressing an audience that included members of the media, local politicians, business representatives and educators from nearby colleges and universities, Guillaume Mehlman, Managing Director of Alstom Transport in North America, emphasized the companys commitment to supporting the modernization of Americas transportation systems. He also said Alstom is eager to step-up the pace of its new job creation as projects across the country gain momentum.

The forum was followed by a tour of Alstoms shop floor where employees offered guests detailed demonstrations on various processes and technologies used to deliver state-of-the-art signaling and train control systems.

Click here to read the full press release detailing the days activities, and Alstoms $3 million investment to support job creation, or click these links to see local media coverage of the event:  

Subways. High-speed trains. Signaling systems. Alstom offers next-generation rail solutions to meet America's changing needs.