Alstom at Hydro 2011, Oct 17-19, Prague

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The theme of this years HydroPower Conference, to be held in Prague from 17-19 October 2011, is Practical Solutions for a Sustainable Future.

Hydropower is the worlds number one source of renewable electricity and represents over 16% of the worlds power generating capacity. In Europe, many hydro plants are more than 40 years old and therefore need refurbishing. In addition, Deutsche Bank Research estimates that nearly 40% of Europes economically viable hydropower potential remains to be developed. So optimising Europes existing hydro assets, while using innovative technologies to exploit and maximise the efficiency of Europes untapped hydro resources will be key discussion topics at the conference. 

As the worlds leading provider of hydropower products and services, having supplied key equipment for 25% of global capacity, Alstoms participation in the conference will be key in shaping the debate. Alstom experts will discuss how to meet Europes hydro market needs and highlight its in-house turnkey, refurbishment and service capabilities including:

  • Alstoms Hydro PlantLife programme for services and rehabilitations; a comprehensive,    cost-effective approach to keep hydro assets performing at their maximum.
  •  Alstoms Plant Integrator concept comprising turbine, generator, Balance-of-Plant, control systems and hydro-mechanicals, all optimised to make the best out of hydropower assets.
  •  Alstoms world-leading pumped -storage hydro power plant solutions*.

At the conference, Alstom experts will present the following technical papers:

  • Ventilation and cooling of high speed machines, optimization potential using modern tools and field      measurements
  •  Reversible pump turbines: appropriate solutions for every head
  •  New synchronization method for ring gates: development and testing
  •  Development plan of Alstom Tidal in Stream Energy Converters
  •  Measuring and managing PSP radial thrust: scale model/prototype comparison

In addition to the 5 papers being presented, Alstom will have 4 papers published in the proceedings.

  • Assessment of insulation condition of hydro generator stator bars after 40 years in service
  •  Rotor-stator interaction in high head pump turbines: dynamic response of the structure       
  •  An innovative lifting lock gate design to increase fatigue resistance       
  •  SAM turbines, a competitive solution for low head small hydro projects

Come to Alstoms booth 30 to wind down and have a cup of coffee and/or talk to our experts about the most advanced hydro solutions on the market today.

* Pumped storage is the most efficient and flexible means of storing energy on a large scale, adapting production to consumption and optimally balancing the grid. The technology enables power plant owners to adjust the amount of energy they need to pump. This means they can adjust the level of power needed when pumping at night or when there is a light load, which in turn means that conventional thermal power plants that are operated for frequency adjustment can be stopped. This helps utilities operate their fleets more economically while reducing CO2 emissions.

The technology also allows utilities to earn revenues from balancing the networks frequency (ancillary services). The variable speed element of the turbines and generators enable utilities to match supply to demand to the minute, pumping when demand marginally drops, and releasing when demand marginally rises. This helps them reach maximum efficiency of their fuel portfolios and maximise revenues. It also means load balancing can be achieved using a clean, renewable energy source.