Alstom to supply 12 Coradia Nordic suburban trains to
Sweden - A contract worth over 100 million

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Coradia Nordic trains are particularly well suited to strict
winter conditions, with the main equipment (traction, static
converters, air conditioning, etc.) placed on the roof. Able to
accommodate 374 passengers, these trains will offer enhanced
accessibility, made possible by lower floors and the absence of

Alstoms regional trains are part of the companys
environmental protection strategy: they are 98% recyclable and
their distributed power optimizes the braking and acceleration
of each carriage.

This order is a token of the exceptional confidence
rewarded to Alstom and the quality of its products. Coradia
Nordic trains are one of the most appreciated trains running in
Sweden according to all travel surveys, declared Lars
Kleppe, Director of Alstom for Nordic Countries and Baltic
States. Alstom has already supplied 71 trains to SL and sold a
total of 162 Coradia Nordic trains to Swedish public and
regional transports authorities.

About Alstom Transport

A promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport develops
and markets the most complete range of systems, equipment and
services in the railway sector. Alstom Transport manages entire
transport systems, taking in rolling stock, signalling and
infrastructure, and offers turnkey solutions.
Alstom Transport recorded sales of 5.8 billion euros in the
fiscal year 2009-2010. Alstom Transport is present in over 60
countries and employs some 27,000 people.

Alstom Transports range of regional

Drawing on its 30 years of experience in regional transport,
Alstom developed a range of regional and suburban trains in
response to the congestion of urban and motorway networks and
the increasing expansion of suburban areas. These trains also
contribute to regional economic development and help protect
the environment.

Alstom's Coradia and X'Trapolis ranges now offer operators and
users a solution closely matched to their needs and
expectations: comfortable, reliable and available high-capacity
regional trains that are easy to maintain and have a limited
impact on the environment. At its plants in Salzgitter
(Germany), Valenciennes (France) and Savigliano (Italy), Alstom
has already built over 3,000 Coradia and X'Trapolis trains that
have covered more than four billion kilometres.

Press contact

Philippe Kasse, Stephane Farhi (Corporate) - Phone +33 1 41 49
29 82 /33 08

Karen Brouiller (Transport) - Phone +33 1 57 06 18 42

Investor relations

Emmanuelle Châtelain - Phone + 33 1 41 49 37 38