Appointments in the Alstom Group

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Henri Poupart-Lafarge, Chief Financial Officer
of Alstom and member of the Executive Committee, will be
appointed Executive Vice President and President of the new
Sector that will regroup the electricity transmission activities
at the closing of the Areva T&D acquisition. In his new role,
Henri Poupart-Lafarge will remain a member of the Executive
Committee and will report to Patrick Kron, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Alstom.

Nicolas Tissot will join the company on 17 May,
2010, as Chief Financial Officer of Alstom replacing Henri
Poupart-Lafarge.. He will be a member of the Executive Committee
and will report to Patrick Kron. Nicolas Tissot is currently
Deputy Chief Executive Officer of GDF-Suezs Global Gas
& LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) business.

Alstoms Executive Committee, presided by the Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer Patrick Kron, will thus comprise Philippe
Joubert, Executive Vice President and President of the Power
Sector; Philippe Mellier, Executive Vice President and President
of the Transport Sector; Henri Poupart-Lafarge, Executive Vice
President and President of the new Sector that will regroup the
electricity transmission activities; Patrick Dubert, Senior Vice
President Human Resources; and Nicolas Tissot, Chief Financial

Henri Poupart-Lafarge, 40, is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique,
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and the
Massachussetts Institute of Technology. He started his career in
1992 at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., before joining the
French Ministry of Economy and Finance in 1994 at the Treasury
Department, and then as Advisor to the Minister of Economy and
Finance. He joined Alstom in 1998 where he was successively Head
of Investor Relations, Management Control, and in 2000, Financial
Officer of the Transmission & Distribution Sector which was
sold in 2004. Since then, he has been Chief Financial Officer of

Nicolas Tissot, 43, is a graduate of HEC, Ecole Nationale
dAdministration and a Finance Inspector. He started his
career at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry
(1995-1999), and then joined Suez, where he first worked in the
Finance Control Department after which he was appointed Head of
Group business control (2000-2003). Then he was subsequently
appointed Chief Financial Officer and Executive VP Suez Energy
International (2003-2005), Chief Financial Officer of Electrabel
in 2005, and since 2009, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of
GDF-Suezs Global Gas & LNG business.

Press contact

Philippe Kasse, Stéphane Farhi (Corporate) - Tel +33 1 41 49
29 82 /33 08

Investor Relations

Emmanuelle Châtelain - Tel + 33 1 41 49 37 38 -