Alstom delivers first Reims tramset

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This first pink-coloured tramset embodied the aesthetic
choice of the city of Reims. Teams from Alstom
Transport’s Design & Styling department and the MBD
Design agency collaborated on the colour approach designed by
Rudy Bauer, overwhelmingly favoured by the people of Reims and
chosen for the city’s visual identity project. A real
feast of colour, each of the 18 cars will sport one of the
eight hues selected by Reims Métropole: yellow, orange,
red, purple, pink, blue, turquoise and green. The colour scheme
is repeated in the interior fittings. Another distinctive
feature of the Reims tram design is a front side that evokes
the slender, delicate lines of a champagne flute.

Alstom is providing a turnkey solution for the Reims tramway
project which, in addition to 18 tramsets, involves the design
and production of all electromechanical systems, including the
rail track, signalling, electrical supply, catenary and
ticketing system for the metropolitan area’s transport
system. Moreover, Alstom will handle equipment maintenance on a
subcontracted basis with operator Transdev for 30 years.

The Reims trams are fitted with the latest range of Citadis
equipment, which enhances passenger comfort with closed-circuit
video surveillance and sound and visual information systems. A
pioneer in terms of accessibility for people with reduced
mobility, Alstom makes life easier and the tram a comfortable
environment for all passengers, with its integral low floor,
multiple doors, tramsets level with the platform, and wide
gangways. The 32-metre tramsets will each be able to
accommodate over 200 passengers, the equivalent of four buses.
The Citadis also enhances the quality of life in a city: four
times quieter than motor traffic, it generates about five
decibels less noise. In addition, the Reims Line 1 will be
equipped with a ground-level power supply (APS system) over a
two-kilometre distance. With this technology, the tram can
operate safely with a catenary-free system to preserve the city
centre’s traditional appearance.

The Reims Citadis trams are currently designed and assembled in
the La Rochelle plant. Five other facilities are also involved
in production: Tarbes provides electrical and electronic
equipment for the traction systems, Ornans the motors, Le
Creusot the bogies, and Villeurbanne and Saint-Ouen the onboard
electronics. The 18 tramsets will serve 23 stations and cover
11.2 kilometres on Line 1. The Reims tramway is due to come
into service in April 2011.

About MARS and Alstom Transport

The Reims tramway contract is one of the first such
public-transport concessions in France in the rail transport
sector. The greater Reims area selected MARS to create its
first tramway line and handle urban planning work, in addition
to operating and maintaining the bus and tramway networks for a
30-year period. Alstom Transport is involved in MARS operations
at several levels. As a 17% shareholder in the MARS consortium,
Alstom Transport also represents the construction consortium
and is tasked with designing and building all of the future
line’s electromechanical systems, including rolling
stock, tracks, power source and signalling. Furthermore, Alstom
Transport will handle equipment maintenance on a subcontracted
basis with operator Transdev for 30 years.

About Alstom Transport in France

Operating at nine sites throughout France, Alstom Transport is
the leading French train company and helps sustain thriving
local economies. Alstom’s 8,700 employees in France
provide expertise to both French and international customers;
indeed one job at Alstom creates some three jobs for its

About Alstom Transport

With sustainable transport in mind, Alstom Transport develops
and offers the most complete range of systems, equipment and
services in the rail market. Alstom Transport can manage an
entire transport system, from rolling stock to signalling and
infrastructure, and offers turnkey solutions. In 2008-2009,
Alstom Transport recorded turnover of €5.7 billion and
its orders increased by 9% over the previous financial year.
Alstom Transport operates in over 60 countries and employs
27,000 employees.

MARS: Mobilité Agglomération Rémoise
(Greater Reims Area Transport)

Press contacts

Karen Brouiller

Tel.: +33 (0)1 57 06 18 42