Villar Mir Energía Group chooses Alstom Technology to bid for the Galician Wind Tender. The company chooses Alstom because of its ECO 100 platform, composed of two of the worlds most powerful onshore wind turbines.

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The Villar Mir Energía Group has opted for Alstom technology for its bid in the Galician wind tender. The Galician Regional Government launched the tendering process, which aims to install 2,325 megawatts (MW), with the aim of redrawing the region's wind power map.

One of the highlights of the Villar Mir Energía Groups plan would be to adapt Alstoms Somozas factory. Alstom, with 449 MW installed in Galicia, has proposed to adapt its current plant, which manufactures components for the ECO 80 platform (1.67 MW) for the new ECO 100 platform (3 MW). This new platform is composed of two of the most powerful onshore wind turbines currently available on the world market, the ECO 100 and ECO 110.

This adaptation would not only cover the regional and national wind energy market, but would also contribute to consolidating the plant for new markets across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Alstom Wind's vice-president, Alfonso Faubel, declared that he was proud that Villar Mir Energía Group had chosen Alstom technology for its bid in the Galician wind tender. Faubel stated that this cooperation re-confirms Alstom's technological prowess in the design and manufacturing of wind turbines and both companies firm commitment to the development of wind power in this region. The wind turbines of our ECO 100 platform are a perfect fit to the needs of the Spanish market, he added.

Alstoms ECO 100 and ECO 110 wind turbines are part of the companys new 3 MW ECO 100 platform, which represents a significant step forward in the turbines capacity and energy performance. The ECO 100, with a rotor diameter of 100 metres and suitable for medium to high wind locations, and the ECO 110, with a rotor diameter of 110 metres and designed to guarantee maximum energy production in medium and low wind environments, are at the cutting edge of emerging technology in the 3 MW onshore category, which is very quickly becoming the European market standard. All Alstom wind turbines include ALSTOM PURE TORQUEä, a unique rotor support concept that protects the multiplier and other power train components from bending loads, providing improved reliability.

About Alstom
Alstoms ECO 100 and ECO 110 wind turbines belong to the companys new 3 MW ECO 100 platform, which represents a major advance in turbine power capacity and energy yield. The ECO 100, with its 100m rotor diameter, suitable for medium to high wind speeds, and the ECO 110, with its 110m diameter and specifically designed to ensure the highest energy production on low to medium wind speed sites, are at the forefront of the emerging 3 MW onshore wind turbine technology fast becoming the market standard in Europe. All Alstoms wind turbines contain the unique ALSTOM PURE TORQUE rotor support concept, which protects the gearbox and other drive train components from deflection loads for increased reliability.

Alstom is a global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure and sets the benchmark for innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom builds the fastest train and the highest capacity automated metro in the world, provides turnkey integrated power plant solutions and associated services for a wide variety of energy sources, including hydro, nuclear, gas, coal and wind, and it offers a wide range of solutions for power transmission, with a focus on smart grids. The Group employs 96,500 people in more than 70 countries, and had sales of over 23 billion* in 2009/10. *Pro forma figures

For further information
Andrés López-Morancho, Alstom Spain Tel.: +34 91 334 58 00/ +34 609 069 230;             
Gemma Soler, Alstom Power Tel.: +34 93 474 88 00 / +34 619 892 083;