Alstom to equip the French section of two European freight
corridors with its ERTMS Level 1 solution

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The initial implementation and validation for RFF of the
Atlas 100 solution will be carried out by Alstom at the two
French sites Thionville-Zoufftgen and Longuyon-Mont Saint
Martin. Lineside signals are equipped with configurable
encoders which provide ERTMS signalling information to the
train board through Eurobalises located on the track. The
Alstom encoder can be connected to every technology of
signalling equipment existing on the national rail network.

This base order of the contract is worth around 7.5 million
euros. Alstom will then ensure the deployment of its ERTMS
Level 1 solution across the 2000 km of lines and 4100 signals
in question, as options are exercised by RFF and for the
duration of the contract, that is, 5 years, renewable once. The
potential market is estimated at over 100 million euros over
several years.

This new contract strengthens Alstom Transports position
as the leader in the operational deployment of
interoperability. With over 740 trains equipped with Atlas
solution and over 25 million kilometres travelled in commercial
service, more than 7 trains out of 10 are running under Atlas
supervision across Europe.

Press contacts
Laurent Gerbet (Alstom Transport)

Tel: +33 1 57 06 92 83
