Alstom to electrify Granada tramway

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The Granada tramway will cover 15.9 km, serving 26 stations
and transporting some 140,000 passengers (figure equivalent to
the population living within 500 metres of the lines
stations). The tramway is to be put into service in 2011 and is
expected to transport 12 million passengers during its first
year of operation.

Alstoms innovation and technology centre in Linares,
Spain, will handle the electrification work. Specialized in
infrastructure and signalling for urban and suburban transport
as well as high-speed lines, this site will also be in charge
of other rail projects provided for in Andalusias
infrastructure plan for 2007-2013.

Alstom has already successfully installed other electrification
systems in Spain: the tramways in Barcelona and Parla and the
experimental tramway of Murcia.

Alstom Transports Infrastructure

The Infrastructure operations include electrification,
installation of rail track, electromechanical systems for new
rail, tram and metro lines and modernization of existing lines.
Alstom has already electrified over 10,000 km of lines and
installed more than 2,000 km of track. Alstom developed two
solutions specifically for tramway networks: AppitrackTM, an
automated method which reduces the time needed to lay rail
track, and APS, a wire-free power supply system. The company
has been awarded several major infrastructure contracts
most notably Singapores automatic metro, the Shi-Tai
high-speed line in China, the Paris-London connection and the
Marmaray project in Turkey.

Press contact

Cécile Dodat (Transport) - Tel + 33 1 57 06 91 48
