Alstom joins USCAP as part of its effort to spur Action on Global Climate Change

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Alstom announced today that it has joined the U.S. Climate Action
Partnership (USCAP), a broad based coalition of industry and
environmental groups committed to developing legislation to address
climate change.

In commenting on the announcement, Philippe Joubert, President, Alstom Power, said, As a global leader in developing clean power technologies, Alstom offers a full range of technologies that can help decarbonize the power generation and transportation sectors. We are delighted to join USCAP as it is a group that shares our commitment to putting forth actionable policies that reflect the scale and urgency of the climate change challenge. 

Joubert recently joined other world business and policy leaders at the World Business Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen in calling for governments around the world to develop a market and regulatory framework that facilitates timely action on climate change.

USCAP is a non-partisan coalition of major corporations and environmental organizations that have come together to urge the federal government to quickly enact strong national legislation requiring significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.  Congressmen Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Edward Markey (D-MA) have publicly stated that they used the USCAP Blueprint for Legislative Action as a basis for climate change legislation that recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives.

USCAPs members include some of the largest and most prominent companies doing business in the U.S. as well as five prominent environmental organizations.  More information about USCAP and a complete list of its members is available on the groups website,

Alstom does business in 70 countries and has the largest installed capacity of any power generation equipment supplier.  Alstom, which has been an active participant in policy discussions about climate change around the world, has been particularly active in the European Union, Australia and Asiaregions with particular relevance for U.S. policy makers. 

Alstom is a worldwide leader in technologies for capturing CO2 from power generation. The company has ten demonstration projects for its three different carbon capture technologies under way or planned in seven countries. Alstom also builds the fastest train and the highest capacity automated metros in the world, giving the company the ability to positively influence both power generation and transportationthe two sectors that account for the vast majority of carbon emissions.

Joubert said, Wherever Asltom does business we advocate for policies to promote the technical investment that has to be at the heart of actions to tackle climate change. Joining USCAP is a logical extension of our commitment to bring innovative technical solutions to bear on perhaps the most significant challenge facing all of us today. In this are above all it is vital that policy be properly informed by the expertise of business. USCAP provides a way for business to contribute, as they can and must, to making policy as effective as possible. 

About U.S. CAP
USCAP is an expanding alliance of major businesses and leading climate and environmental groups that have come together to call on the federal government to enact legislation requiring significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.


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