In Sochi (Russia), Philippe Mellier invited operators to
continue investing

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Philippe Mellier refocused the debate on after the crisis,
reminding participants that rail is a long-term industry
carried forward by unavoidable structural requirements: growth
in the world’s population, exponential urbanization and
tougher environmental constraints. Consequently, he stressed
that it is necessary to continue preparing the future and
investing for after the crisis.

The president of Alstom Transport concluded by recalling the
challenges of the partnership between Alstom and
Transmashholding. This alliance will make it possible to push
ahead with modernizing the entire “1520” zone and
complete this process within five years rather than the ten

* This forum gathers all the railway key players of the
rail zone with 1,520 mm gauge track, i.e. in Russia, the CIS
area, the Baltic States and Finland.