Alstom inaugurates new nodular iron foundry at its Elblg facility in Poland, gaining independence in the entire manufacturing process

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Alstom today inaugurated a new nodular iron foundry at Elblg in Poland,
one of its key manufacturing sites for the global energy industry.

The new extension is located next to Alstoms existing steel foundry, in operation since 1971.

The casting of both steel and iron components in-house will allow Alstom to substantially extend control over its entire turbine production chain, avoiding dependence on external manufacturers and problems of insufficient production capacity for certain types of castings.

The extension of the Elblg foundry gives Alstom a major advantage in its manufacturing strategy, says Guy Chardon, Senior Vice President for Thermal Products, Alstom Power, as it gives us complete independence in all our casting processes for our major steam and gas projects around the world. 

The existing Elblg steel foundry produces around 7,000 tonnes / year of steel castings for turbines and turbo compressors, and heavy castings for the power generating industry. The new foundry will also produce heavy castings, with a projected production capacity of 6,000 tonnes / year, strengthening Elblgs role as a key manufacturing base for the energy industry in Europe.

The new foundry contains machinery equipped with CAD, CAM and CAE (computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering) systems and will benefit from some of the latest technology such as electric induction furnaces, a liquid iron spheroidization stand and moulding, distribution and regeneration equipment. These modern installations will allow for a long-term reduction of costs. Environmental standards are guaranteed by appropriate dedusting and silencing installations.

In addition to the 230 employees already working at the steel foundry, the new foundry will create about 75 new jobs, strengthening Alstoms position as a major local employer. A postgraduate study programme has been created at Elblg to develop specific competencies in nodular iron manufacturing, and a long-term partnership has been established with the Elblg Trade School Technical College to create a foundry technology-oriented class and set the base for future development of the foundry staff.

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