Alstom awarded as the best equipment supplier at Kotka Energys new waste incineration plant

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The inauguration of
Kotka Energy Ltd’s new waste incineration plant was held on Tuesday 28.4.2009.
Alstom was awarded as the best equipment supplier at the inaugural ceremony.
Alstom has delivered a complete flue gas cleaning system to the new plant. The
construction of this new waste incineration plant begun in August 2006. The
power output of the plant is 34 MW, the main fuel is municipal solid waste. The
plant begun test runs in October 2008 and commercial operation in April 2009. The
inaugural speech was held by Taisto Turunen, Director for Energy Department at
the Ministry of Employment and the Economy

The complete flue gas cleaning system delivery comprises a NID system
based on the semi-dry technology, flue gas fans, silos and flue gas duct. The
flue gas cleaning system meets all the stringent emission limits defined in the
EU’s new waste incineration directives. The project has been executed in
excellent cooperation between Alstom’s organisations in Finland and Sweden.

Waste incineration plant – facts:

• The Kotka CHP-plant produces electricity, process steam and district heat

• The plant is a long term energy solution with with a working lifetime of more
than 20 years

• The annual operating time is over 11 months and the plant always
operates at 100% load

• The plant will use annually about 87´000 tons of waste fuel and produce
energy circa 260 000 MWh